General knowledge - gurukrupa

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Friday, August 22, 2014

General knowledge

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General knowledge of india – 11

>The largest cantilever bridge of India is
Howrah Bridge
>The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is
located in Darjeeling
>The headquarter of European Court of
Justice (ECJ) are situated at Luxembourg
>The host of first Olympics in 1896 was
Athens, Greece
>The headquarter of all the following
international organization are based at
Vienna, excepted United Nations Development
>The member of SEATO (South-East Asia
Treaty Organisation) are Australia, France,
New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, UK and
>The main crop of Meghalaya is rice
>The major minerals found in Uttar Pradesh
are limestone and dolomite
>The headquarter of International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) are situated at Vienna
>The first recipient of Bharat Ratna award in
1954 was C. Rajagopalachari
>The credit of developing the polio vaccine
goes to Jones Salk
>The first NAM (Non-Aligned Movement)
conference was held at Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
>The command from a superior officer or a
judge to a subordinate right given to a
person to act in the name of another, is
>The common terms used in shooting are
bed, ballsege, marksmanship, plug
>The buoyancy depends on the mass of the
liquid displaced
>The country’s first indigenously built missile
boat was INS Vibhuti
>The first launch of the missile ‘Trishul’ was
made in September, 1995
>The corresponding Gregorian date of the
saka month, Bhadra is August 23
>The branch of science that studies cells is
called cytology
>The first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna
was Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
>The first General Elections in India took
place in 1952
>The electron was first identified by J. J.
>The first attempt in printing was made in
England by William Caxton
>The dance performed by women to invoke
rain in Bihar is Jata Jatin
>The department of Atomic Energy was
established in 1956
>The exhaled air contains a mixture of
carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen in which
nitrogen has the highest percentage
>The credit of inventing the television goes to
>The first man-made satellite, Sputnik I was
launched by the former USSR in 1957
>The first rice straw power plant has been
set up at Jalkheri, Punjab
>The first Afro-Asian Games were held in
>Study of earthquakes is known as
>Penicillin was invented by A. Fleming
>Raja Rammohan Roy advocated widow
remarriage and woman’s education
>Raja Rammohan Roy was the founder of the
Brahmo Samaj
>Small amounts of iodine are necessary in
our diet to
A: compensate for underactive the thyroid
October 24, 2011  Leave a reply
General Knowledge of India
Q : Author of the book India wins Freedom
is :
Ans : Abdul Kalam Azad
Q : Biological fixation of nitrogen occurs
most commonly in :
Ans : Peas
Cities Populationwise
2-New Delhi
5-Mexico City
6-New York
>India-China Ki Common Boarder Ki Lambai
Kitni He?
Ans.3500 Kms
>Du u know? Kis Shahr Ko Orange City Kahte
Hai ?
Ans-NAGPUR (Maharashtra)
>Do u Know? World Ka Sabse Bada
Mahasagr HE
>Du u Know? Pagal Kutte (Dog) K Kaatne se
Kon sa Rog Ho Jaata H ?
>Du u Know? Insano Me 4 Type K Blood
Group Hote He….
Ans:-A,B,AB & O.
Or 2 Type K Factor Hote He…
Ans:-Rh Positive &
Rh Negative.

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